Evanston township high school demographics
Evanston township high school demographics

evanston township high school demographics

“You are rushing to open ETHS knowing full well that this will cause more harm for the community than good. However, there were other comments expressing satisfaction with the current system. But the building blocks of that foundation is our children’s interaction and socialization with each other.” “Both parents and teachers give our children a solid foundation for learning.

evanston township high school demographics

“Students do not only learn from a professional teacher, but from each other,” Miller said. ETHS can and must do better.”Īlso writing in was Chris Miller, who said that the school should be allowing students to return to class five days a week. “Its lack of urgency strongly suggests that the step is designed primarily to give the appearance of returning to school without offering substantive instruction to its students. “The announced plan, which was appropriate to conditions in fall 2020 with the entire school year yet to come, is wholly insufficient when applied to a single month, especially in light of vaccination programs,” wrote Michael Allen. The school board received 80 public comments ahead of the meeting, many asking for additional in-person learning opportunities. We are doing what we think is the right thing to do for our students at the right time.” “Unfortunately we had people in the community pushing us to open,” she said. Overall, Savage-Williams adamantly backed the proposed plan. For us to pretend that race doesn’t matter would be totally irresponsible,” Savage-Williams said. We know that Black and brown people are getting this disease more than others.

Evanston township high school demographics